Tuesday, May 09, 2006

... and life goes on.

I feel as though I've lost an arm or a leg, like part of me is missing.
Maybe that's because, it truly is.
I have found it difficult to blog since everything happened... but felt that I should post something so that you all would know that I haven't died along with my fuzzy friend.
I'll never forget Ebenezer ever because he's going to live forever in my heart through the love I feel & through some of the most cherrished memories of my dear handsome boy.

So, here's my ridiculous random post tonight
before I crawl into bed after having just done my shot:

If you could only ever eat ONE sandwich for the rest of FOREVER, which sandwich would you choose?

Mine? Hands down... PB & J, the best sandwich 'comfort food' ever. At least in my house.

Sorry, wish it was more than that but seriously, the fact that I can sit here & type this without slobbering tears all over my keyboard is a miracle right now.

So, enlighten me & give me a chuckle or two... which sandwich would YOU pick to be YOUR ONLY SANDWICH you could ever eat again?


Unknown said...

OMG, this is so funny. I was just thinking today that there wasn't anything better than a PB&J on soft fresh bread. :)

I hope you're hanging in there, I can't even imagine. :(


MB said...

Hillbilly Steak (bologna and mustard)

My Baby Ain't White said...

Definitely Grandma's Chicken Salad! And then, there's nothing better than a fresh home grown tomato sandwich in the summer. Yummmm...

Getting hungry now,

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, pb & j with bananas. Yummy!

Karen and Jon said...

Glad to see you back - take time if you need it. I'm with ya on the PB&J. I have to travel A LOT with work and have to eat out waaaaay too much. When I get home, Jon wants to go out and eat and I just want to sit in my own kitchen and eat a PB&J (but the PB can't be chunky and the jelly has to be blackberry.)

Anonymous said...

Good ole' fashioned White bread - or Italian, Teddie peanut butter, and either Welch's concord grape jelly, or Smuckers Strawberry Preserves. LOVE IT!!!! Too bad on my current diet I can't eat anything with frickin' white flour in it!!!
I miss you sweetie, and I got your message, just haven't had a chance to call you back. I have been saying my prayers for you and for Ebby. Your blog makes me cry entirely too frequently. Love ya, I'll call soon.

Tammy said...

Sandwich: PB&J!!

I'm sorry you're feeling so down and missing your beloved pup. You gave him lots of love and a good life. I hope you find comfort in your warm memories and knowing that he is running freely, eating steak bones and chasing kitties whenever he wishes.

I hope you're feeling better soon.
Take care of yourself.


Pug Mama said...

tuna on toast. Hands down (with a little chopped up lettuce and a side of pickle)
Glad to see you back.
I have been doing nothing but hugging my furry babies since I read your last post, which made me cry so.
Sending you and Ruby BIG hugs!