Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hard to believe...

... it was one week ago today nearly to the minute that I said a very teary heartfelt farewell to my best friend & fuzzy soul mate, Ebenezer.

I took this picture moments before the vet was to arrive.
I wanted to capture the love I had for him forever and more specifically, that moment that he and I shared that would most likely be our last.
Just before the camera clicked, I simply whispered in his ear,
"I love you buddy, I love you so much, and I always will..."
I didn't post this pic initially because I wanted those first images I shared to be of happy times, but today I feel I need to honor his passing with a more realistic view of how it felt to literally say goodbye to my best friend.

I have planted beautiful melon/caramel colored roses in his memory & even ordered a gorgeous marble memorial garden stone to honor him and it should arrive shortly.
It seems so little of a gift to a Dog who gave so much of himself during his lifetime with me.

So today, I honor the memory of my beloved friend Ebenezer... one week ago today he made the brave journey into the unknown & hopefully found his doggie heaven in the sky...
where every dog gets three kitties to chase
and has unlimited access to a 24 hour all beef buffett.

Here's to you Ebenezer, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the years of unconditional love & unwaivering loyalty.
You will always live on in my memories and will never be forgotten.
I love you so much... always & forever.


Unknown said...

Hang in there...I just know Ebenezer knows how much he was loved and is thinking about you.


Tonia said...

What a beautiful tribute to Ebby!! You will always miss him, but he will always, always live on in your heart.

Big hugs to you Amy,
Tonia from Our Fuling Princess Blog

Sandra said...

Oh my heart goes out to you. What a special tribute your precious fur baby. I'm scared to think of the day I will be along the same path with my pups.

Lots of hugs being sent your way,

Anonymous said...

Love you.

And love to Eben..the apt. will feel very empty to me when I come next week.

: (
