Saturday, September 16, 2006


Ok, so my Aunt Allegra (Ruby's Nanna T) is staying downstairs at my parents place while they're whoopin' it up in ITALY! (jealous like you CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE!) And truth be told, I like that she's there because honestly, if I were to have an MS attack, it's just not the smartest thing in the world to be in such a big house & be the only adult with a child in tow. So far so good & I'm probably going to be just fine as I usually am, HOWEVER, can't hurt to be safe right? So, why 'stealth-aunt' as the title to this post? Let me explain...

My aunt is fun & loud, just like me, she's KNOWN whenever she's in a room, or a house, or within ten feet or so of you, just like me. LOL So if she's loud & boisterious WHY IS IT that literally, I look outside my apartment & one minute her car's there & the next, *POOF* it's gone!?!@?!! Seriously, keep in mind that the driveway is HUGE, it's easy to hear ANYONE start a car from ANYWHERE in my cozy little apartment because I always have every window open, even if it's just a crack. HOW IS THIS WOMAN DISSAPPEARING WITHOUT ME SO MUCH AS HEARING HER START THE ENGINE?

Oh, and the car, if I showed it to you you'd say;
" Now come'on Amy, you're trying to tell me you didn't hear THAT CAR leaving?"

Yes, that's what I'm telling you.

SO, either I'm going DEAF in my 30's OR, the woman is a secret stealth bomber on a mission to make me feel like I'm losing my mind!
Guess what Leggy... IT'S WORKING!

Seriously maybe all these years of listening to myself talk, and talk, and talk, and talk-
has ruined my hearing.
It's possible...
... I'm sorry, what was that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Can she be releasing the brake and rolling it down the driveway and start the car out on the street? I am just imagining because I seen it on tv.

Glad you are okay and resting this weekend.

Sherrie in HB