Sunday, August 19, 2007

Cheezy or Timesaver?

Ok so here's the deal, Ruby's birthday is fast approaching
& I'm doing something different this year.
Yes, I'll still send out cute invites, that hasn't changed.
Yes I'll still have a 'cupcake tower' because frankly
that's just the easiest thing on the planet to NOT do!

But this year, rather than handle dozens of phone calls from eager party goers as to the best gift ideas for my little munchkin, instead I'm going to be sending everyone an email with THIS link.

It's by no means a 'must have' wish list.
On the contrary, it's just more of a guideline for those who prefer a little guidance,
as to not.

Last year I had call after call from people wanting to know what she'd like, what her size was, what she needed etc...
...and I don't mind the calls so much but what happened was that I started taking so many of them that I forgot who I told what to!
And that is where it got messy.
I didn't want that to happen this year, thus... the WISH LIST!

Honestly I prefer to look at it as my 'sanity provider' because quite frankly, my memory was total shit BEFORE my MS, people can't honestly expect me to remember what I said to who for how many cookies after the fact, now can they?

Oh, and if you're all wondering, yes, in addition to sending everyone the link, I also intend to put in the invitations the following 411:

Ruby takes a 3T & could really use some long sleeve tops
& colored socks if you'd prefer not to go the 'toy' route.
We look forward to seeing you all Sept 8th!

So, call it people, what do you think?
Cheezy or a timesaver?
And NO you won't be hurting my feelings to say it's cheezy, I'm just curious what others think from a 'guest's' point of view, cuz I know what I think from my Momma point of view...


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