Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ruby Speak, things I don't want to ever forget:

Sunscreen: 'sum-scream'
Milo & Otis: 'mi-no & loless'
Kitchen: 'chicken'
Emperor: 'empiner'
Ketchup: 'checkup'
Makeup: 'make-mup'

When Ruby first started to talk, one of the first words she was desperate to say was Moon.
However, she could not say moon, so she started calling it the BOON!

And now, last but not least, a song or two:
(actual song first, Ruby's version second...)

Snuggle puppy of mine
Everything about you is especially fine!
I love what you are, I love what you do,
Fuzzy little snuggle puppy, I love you!
Ooooo, I love you!

'snuggle puppy a mine,
evrysing bout you a fine,
wuv a you are
wuv a you do
snuggle a puppy
I wuv you!
ooooo I wuv you!'


Row Row Row your boat,
gently down the stream...
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,
life is but a dream.

Now, when we sing it we don't necessarily row a 'boat' down the stream,
but more often than not, sing it like this:

Row, row, row Bear gently down the stream...
Bear could also be Uncle Steve, Nannie, Nonno, Momma, Isabella, Uncle Adam etc...
Whoever she feels like sending down stream is the current winner.

So now, here's her version of this song:

Row row row BEAR
gentle a dream!
May-a, may-a, may-a, may-a,
life a but a dream!
who next?

Row row row MOMMA
gentle a dream!
May-a, may-a, may-a, may-a,
life a but a dream!
who next?


What about your children? Any kid speak that makes you smile from ear to ear?


Pug Mama said...

one of my sons always said fuck instead of truck.
we were in Toys R Us once, and he was about 2 and was having a fit (gasp - yes, my PERFECT child!) because I wouldn't buy him a toy truck because he was being a brat, and he was yelling , "I want a fuck, I want a fuck!" and I was ingoring him as I wheeled him out of the store and people were staring at us, and my sister says to him, "I know baby, I know, I want that too..."

She's single.
Hasn't gotten a little somptin-somptin in a long time.

Donna said...

Emma also says "sum-scream". One of her favorite words now is "popular", although she says it "pop-lee-ur." That cracks me up!

MB said...

I love you bery much.

That melts my heart.

She also loves to tell me when she goes into another room and says " wait, I be back in 5 minutes" Everything to her is 5 minutes and it is going to always happen on Friday.