Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ok People, Help Me Out Please...

...in this house, we've always been 'dog people', never once owned a cat.
Needless to say, I know lots about having a dog as a member of the family.
What they love, how they like to live, their favorite pastimes... etc.
But a cat?
The only thing I know about cats
is sadly from one of Ruby's books.
It's one of her favorites & we read it several times a day, every day.
At the end of the story,
the two cats can be found snuggled in a cardboard box
much too small for them, yet, there they are,
all snug & toasty together, happy as peas in a pod.

Yesterday, after a trip to BJ's,
(in another attempt to try to help my daughter learn to love the potty)
we bought a box of training pants.
They have the 'feel wet liners' apparently they get wet AND cold!
*fingers crossed*
Anyhoo, as I was about to disassemble the box for recycling,
Ruby screams; "No Momma! I have a box!"
Ok then, so you get the box, that's kewl.
And, this is how she's been ever since I gave it to her.
Her and Bear, snug as bugs, in a box just a wee bit too small for them,
but happy as can be.

Maybe my kid was a cat in a past life?
Cats do dig boxes, right?

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