Saturday, August 11, 2007


...I see you Momma!

I love when I come across an outfit in her closet that I was unaware even existed.
This outfit is one of those fantastic surprises I found today
while putting some of her things away.
It was tucked in the way back hanging there all lonely.
I don't remember where I got it or if it was a gift from someone,
but I DO know that it is ADORABLE!
When I called her into her room to try it on, she went crazy for the HAT!
I didn't know she had such a love for them.
Perhaps we're on the verge of phasing out the bows
& replacing them with hats?

Never know with my girl...
...but whether it's a bow or a hat, she's still my beautiful girl!

(Now if I could only get her to love bath time...*sigh*)

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