Friday, August 10, 2007

Height, Weight & Cuteness Factor...

Ruby is somewhere between 37 & 38 inches tall...
(& yes that's my living room wall I write her stats on,
been doing it since groundhog day of 06.)

She's 30 lbs...

And is absolutely in LOVE with her new jammers!

Her Nannie bought them for her yesterday & yes, they are sock monkey ballerinas!

I never had those 'sock monkey' dolls when I was a kid,
always thought they were kinda creepy.

Ruby doesn't have one either,
but because they're ballerinas & the waist and ankle cuffs are pretty RUFFLES,
Ruby feels like a ballerina in them & that is all that matters!
(and FYI, that discoloration on her cheek is actually the remnants of a face painting I did yesterday for her of a ladybug, NOT a bruise. This ladybug makes the second one this week!)

Yesterday she actually told both me & her auntie Kristen
that she wants to be a ballerina for Halloween.
Kristen's mother is going to hand make the outfit & asked what color she wanted it to be?
Ruby proudly replied: "GREEN!"
(it is her favorite color)

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