Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Photo Mish-Mosh & Prayers Needed...

Ok, so here is how my daughter looked this morning as she made her daily call to my mom.

As you can see, she's already far too comfortable with a phone in her hands...
oh how the teenage years frighten me so!

Here is a nifty little number Ruby likes to call "Green Glasses"...
...she took a 'sand hourglass' magnet (aka: the timeout magnet),
and slapped it up on her referral pic on the fridge & said promptly:
"Momma! Ruby have a green glasses!!!!!"

Her imagination continues to blow me away...

And last but not least, since it is/was Tuesday night,
and Uncle Steve did come over, I'll share with you all a picture of tonight's dish.
Chicken Taco Stoup!
(and man was it DELISH!)

...so that's it for my random images tonight. Sorry that it wasn't more but it is what it is.
Also, please if any of you are compelled to believe in any sort of higher power, God etc... and believe in the power of prayer, please, PLEASE, keep both Ruby and me in your daily prayers. So much is going on right now and sadly it's just far too much to go into right now,
but let's just say that we truly truly need your prayers now more than ever,
and really, the more the better.
I thank you all in advance & pray right along side you for a happy ending to my current situation.
God bless you all.
-Amy & Ruby Cate.

1 comment:

Hanna said...

Heyy nanni i looked at your blog for the first time in a long time!!! I like the pictures. i cant wait to sleep over on saturday after rubys party!! I got the legos she wanted!! love you