Friday, August 10, 2007

In A Combination Of Watercolor & Finger Paints, I Proudly Present...

...Ruby's Artwork!

(done in finger paint)

I initially asked Ruby what colors she'd like to make her hand prints in,
hoping she'd say maybe red or blue or yellow, an actual color... but not so much.
My girl smiled & as she's making one awesome mess on her first practice piece of paper, said:
"Momma, NO color! Ruby make a messy hand print, more FUN!"
How right she is... hehehe!

Our finger paint kit comes with red, yellow, blue and green.
In my attempt to teach her how colors, when mixed, create other colors, she pointed out to me that, "Momma, no need a mix yellow and blue, have green a-ready!"
So we do baby girl, so we do...

(This one above was actually done with Crayon first,
*courtesy of Momma who drew the shapes*
& then watercolor via a very small paintbrush.
Impressive her attempt to truly stay within the lines!)

(When asked what we should call this particular painting,
Ruby replied with a clever but simple: "This One!"
So be it.)

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