Sunday, May 28, 2006

OCD has a name...

... and in this house, it's known as 'rain'BOWS!

Yes, I know- I need professional help.


(16 bows @ $5.99 a piece = several pedicures my feet never saw...)


1 comment:

Amy said...

Tammy, believe it or not I used to get them once a month, but that was 'BC' (Before Cheeks), now that little miss Cheeks is here, it's all about her, the 'Amy Show' is no longer. I am occasionally invited to be an 'observer' in the audience at the 'RUBY CATE' show, but never a guest & certainly not the hostess anymore. LOL I leave that all up to my little bow wearing cheeks having baby girl. =)

hee hee
