Monday, September 18, 2006

Ruby's Book Club...

... will have online *monthly meetings* with anyone interested in joining!

Standard Bookclub Rules according to Miss Ruby:

-Must either love to read or at least be willing to make yourself LOOK like you love it...

-Must have a fabulously toasty chair to plunk down into with this month's book selection as chozen by miss RUBY...

-Must not be afraid to be 'different' and chill 'in your own way' ...
( it's OK to break the rules on occasion... Momma said so!)

(I'm pretty sure that's not how one would assume a toddler relaxes in her chair, but it seems to work for Miss Ruby Roo...)
-Always have an ice water sippy handy for those thirsty reading moments...
-Always bring a friend or two...
(note her new friend DUCK in the backround on Momma's ottoman...)

And last but not least,


1 comment:

Catherine said...

I just bought that book a few weeks ago. So glad it's recommended by Ruby! Feel much better now. ;o)