Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Cheeks the RED Monkey!

To your right, you will notice our new little friend:


Ruby & I felt that since she was born the year of the Monkey & since losing our dear pal Ebenezer... that we needed a new little friend 'hanging around'.

So, although he's virtual, he's ours and Ruby is tickled pink that her new friend is:


Perhaps in time we may venture into the 3 dimentional fuzzy friends again, but for now Cheeks is gonna have to do.

To adopt your own little friend, click on the link & enjoy!
(be sure to share with us if you adopt any of those fun little friends...
we'd love to meet them all!)


Johnny said...

Very slick! Many, you got more web gadgets than most techies I know. By the way, how is Ruby enjoying/interacting with new playfriends during the day? More input from those "her size", so to speak?

Amy said...

Johnny... thanks bud, I do enjoy my gadgets! *grin*
Ruby is enjoying her time with the twins, she loves when they arrive in the morning & has a blast with them all day but when it's time for them to go home, she's happy to have her Momma all to herself again, it's very cute to see. =)
How's everything on your side of the globe? You know, I hear from my adorable friend in NC. that the first week in Oct is gonna be a 'texas' gathering... I may just have to hop my ass on a plane with miss Ruby & mozy on out there to 'pahk my cah' & party with y'all! ;)

Hope all is well, take care!

-Amy & One very sound asleep miss Ruby Cate wearing her adorable MOON JAMMIES! hehhee

Anonymous said...

You need to get Ruby the book "Red is Best" by Kathy Stinson! It is about a little girl who LOVES the color red!
"...red barrettes make my hair laugh!"
"...red paint puts singing in my head"
"I like red because red is best!"
My 3 girls LOVE red too Ruby!!

Krista Dolan
(Carrie's friend from Canada)
PS: I just love reading your blog, you have me either tearing up, or laughing out loud!!
Keep 'em coming..