Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Scenes from a Sailboat...

Look closely, can you see the puppy playing in the water at the beach?

Again, look very close... can you see the little black duck swimming in the upper left hand corner of the image by the white mooring?
He was cute & quick, I'm so psyched I actually snapped his pic!

A beautiful overpriced home on Beverly's Sea Coast...
(don't even want to THINK about the property tax on this bad boy!)

A SEASIDE VIEW of Salem Willow's dock in Salem, MA...
(so DIFFERENT to see it from this point of view, rather than being the one sitting ON the dock looking at the boats passing by me... LOVED IT!)

I'm sure you can all see why I LOVE living here, it's just breathtakingly beautiful!

Sailboats patiently waiting for their owners to return & take them out to play...

Sleeping boats dying to be woken up by a strong wind...

Beverly's Hospital Point Lighthouse...

A Seagull's view of Beverly's Lynch Park...
(that blue building is where, when you're a kid, you BEGGED your parents to stop so you could get some YUMMY ICE CREAM! Hell, who am I kiddin, even as an ADULT I STILL LOVE THAT BLUE SLICE OF CHILLED HEAVEN!)

More houses I could never afford...

This house was just so pretty with all those windows,
I could not resist day dreaming a bit as my finger snapped the shutter...

Maybe I should rob a bank? LOL

Oh My God, can you imagine waking up every morning
to such a glorious view from your window?

... beautiful, isn't it?

Thank you so much Scott for taking me out today on your beautiful sailboat...
and for your patience in trying to teach me how to sail!
(aw, ok let's get real- so I just held the steering thingie but hell, it was harder than it looks AND LOTS OF FUN TOO!)

Thanks for an amazing day, I can't wait to do it again real soon.




Anonymous said...

Okay Amy, who is Scott and Erik we have been seeing on your blog? I just being curious. I love all these great pictures and I too wish I own one of those houses. I let Nathan look at them and he gave me the "no way" look.
Thanks for sharing them with us.

Sherrie In HB

Becky said...

Yes, who are Scott and Erik? I love the photos you posted - they are great!


Amy said...

Erik is a friend of mine we've been friends for YEARS now... and Scott is the new man in my life. He's a very private person so you won't be seeing any pics of him on the blog, but I can tell you that he's very sweet, treats me well & is a complete gentleman. =)

Oh, and he taught me a little bit about sailing, which was fun. =)