Thursday, October 06, 2005


Ruby In Her Own Time...

Ok, it's thursday, I've been here since sunday night and I am EXHAUSTED! Physically, mentally, emotionally, you name it! In all my 15 years of being a nanny to many different types of children I have never ONCE encountered what I'm dealing with here... the money I'm making this week is nice but trust me, I earned that the second day after finding the younger of the two playing in his own shit on the bedroom floor's WHITE CARPET... it gets worse but I won't frighten any of you with the details. I'm spent, worn out, exhausted, dizzy and need to go HOME. Tomorrow WILL NOT COME FAST ENOUGH! I love being a Nanny, it's my reason for being on this planet, HOWEVER... note to self, even the BEST MOST LOVED JOBS have HUGE SPEED BUMPS EVENTUALLY, EVEN AFTER 15 YEARS OF WONDERFUL CHILDREN, there is bound to be the 'shitartist' in the group... I have encountered mine. This same child who'se artistic ability is curently limited to 'shit' as it's medium, is also very skilled at kicking, screaming, biting and basically 'melting down' like his life is about to come to a crashing hault. I have had to muster up EVER LAST OUNCE OF KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE & NANNY LOVE TACTICS to handle said child & seriously, if tomrrow wasn't friday, I'd be throwing myself in front of a BUS!

I did this as a favor to my old boss... whose kids were a DREAM compared to the two I'm watching now. ( these boys are their cousins ) I did the favor for two reasons...1. I saw a desperate mother in need of some help & me on my high' nanny horse' knew that I'd be perfect for the job & to help her out in a pinch as it's not always an available opportunity but just so happened to work out that way, so I agreed to help her... and 2. because the money will help me while in China.
If I could go back & change my mind about this week, trust me I would in a heart beat, but life doesn't work that way. I've made my decision, my 'bed' if you will, and I'll continue to suck it up & lie in 'said' bed until TOMORROW but trust me, the minute I"m free to go, you'll be able to see the SMOKE TRAIL FROM MY EXHAUST FROM WHATEVER STATE IT IS YOU LIVE IN!

No more nannying unti next year, this 'soon to be mom' NEEDS A BREAK until it's time to get on a plane & go get my Ruby Cate. I will be USELESS to her if I do anything other than that.

I love you Ruby, Momma promises to just relax & be fully recharged when I see your sweet face & those amazing cheeks for the first time in China!



(who is more tired than I ever thought I could be)

ps. On a side note... Stress is NOT conducive to a healthy lifestyle when one is living with MS... the moral of this story? Never EVER Nanny for someone as a 'favor' again if you don't first KNOW THE CHILDREN WELL ENOUGH BEFORE HAND TO KNOW THAT THEY'RE NOT GOING TO SEND YOU OVER THE PERVERBIAL EDGE!

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