Saturday, October 01, 2005

Top 5 things I HATE about having MS...

1. Having it at all... I could've gotten measels or mumps or mono but NO I get MS... fun fun fun.
2. All the shots... 3x a week for the rest of forever... forever is a pretty long time, don'tcha think?
3. Sudden hot & cold spells, like right now as I type this I feel like I'm frozen solid & it's barely begun Fall weather, which is my FAVORITE!Plus I just HATE being cold.
4. No more Hot tubs or Sauna's/steam rooms etc... not that I was in them on a regular basis but once in a while it's nice to hop into my friends thermospa... not so much anymore.
5. The uncertainty of this disease... one day I'm fine, the next I feel useless... I know it's similar to 'real life' but it's kinda like 'real life' with a great big headache that, no matter how much tylenol or excedrin you take, it never completely goes away & you KNOW it'll always come back eventually.

I know it's retarded for me to use my blog as a public bitching 'soap box' but tonight, it's just how I feel. Sorry everyone...

Pray for a fast TA (Travel Approval) so I can get my ass on a plane & finally hold my baby girl in my arms & never NEVER let her go!


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