Monday, October 17, 2005

MS SUCKS, thank GOD for TIVO & TEA!!

Mmmm TEA...
Today I woke up with what I like to call 'elephant legs'. Imagine for a moment that each one of your legs weighed in at oh, 1,000 lbs a piece, then picture trying to make a b-line for the bathroom with said legs... WELCOME TO MY WORLD THIS MORNING! Ugh... the joys of MS... NOT~!

Only thing to be thankful for today is to know that I don't have to actually function other than to schlep around my apartment & 'exist'... being unemployed will do that to you. I don't mind the time off, actually it's a blessing. I need to realx before hopping the plane to China but man does it get OLD faster than you thought it would! Only thing that really helps me is tea & TiVo... amen!


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