Saturday, November 18, 2006

Even an old nanny can learn new tricks...

...seriously, in over 16 years you'd have thought I've seen everything & anything 'kid', but not so much!
During a recent visit from our dear friends Karen & Gwen, we were introduced to these WONDERFUL CRAYONS!

I have many Melissa & Doug items in my home for Ruby Cate but had never EVER seen these fantastic OUT OF THIS WORLD' must be made of plastic cuz they NEVER BREAK, PHENOMENAL CRAYONS! Trust me when I tell you that they are a MUST HAVE! Not only are they solid (kid proof) but they're TRIANGULAR in shape, thus NEVER ROLLING ANYWHERE OR FALLING PERIOD!
And let's face it, some of us have kids that enjoy purposefully CHUCKING THINGS just to see how hard & how far they can make them go, BRING IT ON TODDLERS cuz these little colorful chunks of JOY ARE HERE TO STAY! I'm telling you, I even think I stepped on them a few times & STILL NOT ONE BROKEN ONE!
(no fat jokes)
BUT SERIOUSLY, if you haven't already,
invest in these wonderful crayons for your little one, you'll be glad you did!

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