Thursday, November 30, 2006

One & Ten...

It's funny, when I look back at pictures I can't believe that her little baby face was ever how she looked. To me she's always kinda seemed the way she is now & maybe it has something to do with the fact that I see her every minute of every day & have not ONCE been apart from her for longer than an hour or so. To me, she's always had that full head of hair, that beautiful toothy smile, those sparkling almond eyes and a giggle to melt a strangers heart.

Pictures say alot, these were taken one year ago today, upon our arrival home, and I honestly can just now see how very little she was, with that sweet chubby baby face and innocent expression... girl is growing up right before my eyes & it's pretty amazing stuff...hard to believe it's been a whole year since Ruby & I have been home.

It flew like you have no idea...

...and if ONE precious year can fly that fast,

so can TEN!

I just pray I continue to pay the utmost of attention to it all &
to never have my digital camera too far from my waiting hands.

Happy One Year Home Ruby Roo...

...I'm the luckiest Momma in the whole world!

(We are truly a match made in heaven...)


Donna said...

It's amazing how fast time goes by when you have children...congratulations on one year home with your Ruby!

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog helps me get through these thank you! The wait ahead of us it still so long. Looks like we might have to wait 18 mos. to see our baby's face.


Yvonne said...

I, too, tried to remember every single thing - but it still goes by so fast - I look back with a bit of heartache that it was so fleeting. Wish I could replay it all on DVD - each season just like all the reruns - ie: Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc. I took tons of pictures, too - but it is never enough... :(

Special K said...

Sweet sweet Ruby! Happy 1 year home with momma!

Maureen said...

Happy One Year anniversary! Ruby looks so much like my daughter Olivia in some of her pictures...she is from Fuzhou, right? Check out Olivia...

Happy Anniversary!

Tammy said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Wow, a year already. I bet you can't remember life without Miss Ruby.

You know, you can now get little digital cameras for your keychain - inexpensive too.