Saturday, November 11, 2006

Vacation math:

-1 larger suitcase ( borrowed from yours truly)
to accomodate the 97lbs (LITERALLY)
of stuff (Ruby hand me up's) to haul back to NC: $0.00


-2 home canned jars of Aunt Allegra's applesauce
(probably what put her over the top weight wise): $0.00

-1 new hand knit pink 'Gwen Hat' for little miss Rock Star: $0.00


-Fantastic memories to hold dear in our hearts as well as watching our daughters play together, color together, dance together, be silly together, and just be sweet little girls together: PRICELESS!


Karen, thank you as always for a wonderful visit!

We love having you, after all...

... you're family.

Looking forward to PAJAMA NEW YEAR!



-Ah'MayMee & Roooby!


ps. To those of you with access to Gwen's blog, feel free to go check out all the pictures of our week together, pretty amazing moments. =)

oh & to Michelle & Julia, YOU GIRLS ROCK!
I'm SO GLAD we got a chance to meet & have fun together!
It's a bummer you live so far away but never forget... we'll always have RISOTTO!


OziMum said...

How cool that you had a visit from Karen and Gwen!!! Sounds like you all had a blast!

Anonymous said...

Ahem, it was 98 pounds.

Will chat more when I resurface from my travel coma,

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I haven't checked your blog in AGES - but I just noticed that you're doing another pajama new year??? Another thing I haven't done in ages...Miss you! Hugs to Miss Cheeks (and you!)