Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mine, Yours & Ours...

...it's safe to say that everyone has shit they deal with on a daily basis,
some days obviously harder than others.
Some have family issues, others are dealing with health problems, some are just overwhelmed with life in general & want to crawl under a rock & hide for a while.

It's funny how most people are pretty quick to judge a stranger when the truth is, if a stranger were to do the same to them, they'd be outraged to say the least;
"How dare he judge me, who does he think he is? He doesn't know what it's like in my shoes!" etc...

...but think about it, nobody knows what it's like in any other shoes but their own.
Shoes are funny things...

Mine are sometimes tight on me, yet on occasion they fit like Cinderella's glass slipper...

Yours could cramp your feet in the worst way tomorrow and then on Friday make you feel like you could run a marathon...

The one thing that is clear is that
Ours are both unique in that,
neither is perfect, neither is impossible,
both are ours to keep, for better or worse.

Next time you get the urge to judge someone based solely on outward appearances or because of how they talk or what they're wearing or their chosen mode of transportation, remember this...

...we all have feet, thus we all need shoes and sometimes,
just sometimes, wouldn't it be nice not to add to the cramping unnecessarily?

And before you charge down my throat on the we don't all have working feet,
'some of us are in wheelchairs' etc...

I'm fully aware of the physically challenged people of the world, lest you forget...

...I am one of them.

Everyone deserves to be seen for who they are inside, not for what you see at face value.

So the next time you see someone who stands out in a crowd for whatever reason, remember that to someone else, you might just be that person sticking out.

Remember that this Thanksgiving when you're going around the table with what you're thankful for... I know for me, friends & family are high on that list, but at the top?

My Daughter.
(who loves me even when I'm barefoot)


Lisa and Tate said...

Well written and thought provoking.... Just wondering ...What spurred this posting???

Happy THANKS giving Amy and Ruby Cate!!


Kricket said...

What an incredibly inspirational and well-written post!

Cavatica said...

Reminds me of the Native American proverb, "Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins." I use that in therapy with people with both visible and invisible disabilities. Personally, I've dealt with the invisible type and through it Thanksgiving has become my most meaningful holiday. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ruby Cate!