Saturday, February 17, 2007

Absolutely IN LOVE with...


Recently saw a little 'sample' of it in a magazine & gave it a try &
does this shit ROCK MY WORLD!

Seriously, after using that silly little sample amount of it,

So, today while out grocery shopping, I found a 5.5oz tube of it
& that puppy was MINE!

It's so amazingly fantastic,
it is non greasy,
disappears into my skin in an INSTANT,
& leaves me feeling SOFTER THAN I EVER HAVE, EVER, PERIOD!

It says it 'softens rough dry skin', which is good since my feet are in desperate need of some TLC, ya catch my drift? Tonight I sat here at the computer, catching up on bloglines & soaked my sad, rough, dry, leather feet until I felt like they had officially morphed themselves into RAISINS that California would be envious of.


What I really need is a pedicure, who knows... maybe in a bit when this friggen ice disappears, I'll venture on over to my nails&co & get myself some happy feet.

Until then, THIS STUFF GETS 10 TOES UP in my book!

Oh yeah, one other thing I absolutely adore & use every day & HAVE used every day since GRADE SCHOOL is THIS STUFF!

Talk about a 'feel clean' sensation.
MY GOD I could NOT live without it!
Plus, who doesn't like actually, literally FEELING the product WORKING?
I love knowing that my face is clean cuz even after I'm done using it, IT'S STILL WORKING & FEELING ALL TINGLIE!
Dig it.

Ok, I'm done raving about two of my fav things, one oldie & one newbie...

...both worth checking out.

What are some of YOUR favorite products that you all just couldn't live without?


Debra Sue said...

I can not live without Dove soap. I've used it since grade school, just like your Noxema!

I also can not live without vaseline for my dry feet. Just soak your tootsies, slather on some vaseline, put on clean white socks and go to bed. The next morning - no more crusty heels!

Shauna and MacLean said...

Amy, thanks as always for the tips on the "stuff" you have on your blog. I am going to try and get to find some of the tea when I am at Barnes and Noble in March. I am also going to look for the cream as I hate greasy cream and am always on the lookout for good stuff. I tend to stock up on Bath and Body stuff when I am in the States. Take care and keep up with the tips.

Carrie said...

My new favorite is Cetaphil cream in the tub. I get so dry in the winter that I almost crack and this stuff is awesome. I cover muyself in it after everytime I shower and it is WONDERFUL!!!!