Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy As A Pig In Poop...

...& already comfortable enough to 'steal/borrow' one of Ruby's "friends", Dog.

Hell, she wasn't loving him, somebody should, right?


Christi and Abbey said...

So happy to finally catch up on your week! congratulations on your new charge! and for being a brave single mommy and following through on 30 minutes of holding out through the tears. you are amazing!
Abbey and I have had a horrible flu week but I think we are coming out of it now.

Phyllis said...

How did Ruby make out with a new babe in the house?? Was she jealous at all? What a sweet baby!!

Pug Mama said...

just catching up on your blog.
so happy you have a new (very beautiful) baby to love on

Amy said...

Ruby is doing amazingly well, actually! She has her moments when she says "My Momma," out loud for no baby in particular to hear, BUT, other than that, she's a peach! =)
Lately, as long as my girl has on a dress, "NO TIGHTS MOMMA!" and shoes that DON'T MATCH the dress, she's a happy happy girl. LOL