Friday, February 16, 2007

Week One...

...nearly done!
It's the first Friday of the first week with baby Tom-Tom
& all's well in my little corner of MA.

He's a very good little boy, loves to eat & poop & sleep.
Ahhhhh babies, gotta luv em.

Ruby's pretty entertained with him as well,
constantly wanting him by her side, shouting proudly;
'Baby Tom-Tom! Baby Tom-Tom!'

It's cute.
It's actually more than cute, it's good for her socially because as she's going to be an only child, it's very important to me that she get as much time with other children as possible & since we don't see her cousin Isabella nearly as much as I'd like, this is a good way for her to learn to properly (& GENTLY) interact with babies!
Also, since two of dearest friends in the world are both having their first babies sometime this March, both boys, it's another good thing that Ruby's learning that all the baby Tom-Tom's of the world have a different cable setup than she does.
Ruby's pretty much got 'basic cable'
the boys have the 'holy shit premiere package'

It's a learning process that she's slowly getting... it's good.


Aside from that, not much else to report other than perhaps
alot of thinking about my current personal life, or more to the point, lack thereof...
...& sadly I'm pretty sure I've decided to not sit & pine away any longer for a certain very good friend who you all know I'm in love with.
Unrequited love is not fun, ever.
It's time to move on, even though it's going to be a bit of a challenge.
I just know that sitting & waiting constantly for a 'maybe he might come to his senses' or 'maybe he'll change' or, what's come to be my favorite personal excuse for not moving on,
'he does love me, he just hasn't realized that he's 'in love' with me" etc...


The truth is, yes, I do love him & I never intended for that to happen, it's weird when one crosses a line with a friend & takes it to that next level... it's not the same as meeting someone new, going on a date, feeling that spark & taking things from there.

You mess with a friendship & shit tends to happen, things are weird, never in a bad way but just honestly in a genuine 'weird' way and I really love him so much that I just can't keep worrying about ruining our amazing friendship.
I have a lifetime of memories & moments with him that I cherish & I am going to just be happy with that for now.

Maybe someday things will change, and if I'm still single when they do, all the better.
But I really am not ok with sitting around anymore waiting for that change to happen... life is going on without me and it's time I up &
hauled my fat ass to try & catch up to life as I knew it.

Wish me luck, my ass doesn't do much running these days...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good for you! Life is too short to sit around waiting for someone to wake up. Move forward and see what's around the corner.