Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Evil Comes In Many Forms...

...in our house, it takes the form of this mouse:


In other homes, perhaps evil arrives in the form of a short Guatemalan girl
& her obnoxious talking backpack & boot wearing monkey:

In still others, it's this fuzzy red guy who I've PERSONALLY had NIGHTMARES about:

In even others, it's these rainbow colored shirt wearing grown Australian men who are not only obsessed with 'big red cars' but
who better still, live in a house that talks from it's stove right down to the front door:

And lest we forget this little bit-o-evil who apparently is related to,
twice removed on his father's side- Backpack girl
& swings through the jungle listening to voices from a camera named 'click'
who bears the voice of probably one of

Girl, even in 'WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP' you didn't do much for me,
you certainly aren't scoring higher with the general public
by hiding behind a cartoon camera lens!

So my question to all of you, is...


*disclaimer: I am fully aware of the joy these characters bring to the children of our lives, HOWEVER I am also very aware of the RIVER DANCE OF PAIN
they each are capable of doing on every parents LAST NERVE!
To say that some days I want nothing more than to throw myself bodily
from my second story apartment, would be an understatement of
A mom's allowed to vent!


Elyssium Earth said...

Definately "Dorwah" and "Bootsss" and "BapPap" and (teehee) "Daago".

We haven't been graced in oz with the Diego spin-off yet.

Girl I'm telling u evil it can be but I thank my lucky stars (estrales!) for the existence of "Dorwah" everyday.

It's even boosted my self esteem, I often hear my lil' brain singing "we did it, we did it, we did it YAY"

MB said...

The Doodlebops and Dora. Taylor has more clothes, shoes, back packs, dvds than I care to mention of this girl Dora.

When she was smaller it was Barney and Elmo.

I would never let her watch Teletubbies because I just don't quite understand them and don't want them in my home.

Jen said...

Backyardigans is Carrington's favorite. And I have to tell you after watching all the episodes at least 5 times, some more (we have them Tivoed for easy play) they really are not as evil as the others. I even find myself laughing occasionally.

Amy said...

Jen, I'm not saying that the content of these shows is 'evil' persay, obviously no children's programing is literally 'EVIL' or else it wouldn't be allowed to broadcast on a nationwide scale, but what I AM saying is that IF I HAVE TO WATCH ONE MORE MAISY EPPISODE I'M GOING TO THROW MYSELF BODILY FROM MY APARTMENT! lol THAT, in & of itself, IS WHAT'S EVIL! Get it? LOL

Cindy and Co. said...

I am actually a pretty lucky Mama in the TV Department till Daddy gets home. Scooters faves are Magic School Bus and Little Einsteins. After the oldest and her Barney and Tubbies I can handle these two no problem. But once Daddy gets home the evil rears its ugly head. (and I can't believe I am going to admit this..you'll probably call social services..lol. not.). "Doh" aka the Simpsons- and "FuRama" or Future Rama (how ever the hell you spell it) Daddy is addicted and is dragging Scooter down with him but they will both sit still and snuggle on the couch to watch it so......keeps me from burning dinner at anyrate.