Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Another day, another chance to get this 'parenting' thing right,
but first a yawn or two for both of us, perhaps even Bear.


RamblingMother said...

I know you are having a really rough time and it does suck sometimes to be single. I am single with a Wuzhou wonder. Just know you do have support even if it is in cyberspace. You are doing a great job with Ruby.

I also know about the job thing as I haven't been paying my own bills for over 6 months due to inability to find a job. Thankfully that changed on Monday and I start Feb 16. I wish I knew someone in your area looking for a nanny. Maybe the library is looking for someone even parttime? I know you didn't ask for suggestions either.

Thank goodness for new days to start over loving our kids. Thinking of you and praying for you both. Night terrors suck too!!

Beverly & Glenys (my Wuzhou wonder)

Cindy and Co. said...

Your doing just fine Honey and it is tougher than it looks. But this too shall pass.