Saturday, February 24, 2007

When One Door Opens...

...someone apparently smashes a window!

It's true, because one week from tonight,
baby Tom Tom & his parents will be on a plane
headed back to Italy,
back to their home.
They asked me to go with them
& sadly I had to decline.
It's not that I wouldn't love a year in Italy,
on the contrary,
However, it's just not the right time to be uprooting Ruby
& going anywhere right now.

Sleeping is a nightmare.
She's not spent
since we returned home from NC.

I can't leave her side unless I want to hear her immediately start sputtering;

It gets to be a bit much.
So sadly, we're back to being jobless in less than a week
I'm back to worrying about where our groceries are going to come from.
Ahhhh... the joys of being an independent contract nanny...


Just pray, that's all... keep us in your prayers & keep Tom Tom & his parents there too, for a safe uneventful flight back to the land of pasta & sauce...

I will miss them all.


MB said...

Sorry to hear about that.

Taylor used to be a good sleeper until I had to go out of town, now I have to sit on her floor until she goes to sleep, but she wakes up at least 2 times a night crying so I have to go to her room, put her back down and wait for her to fall asleep. She isn't in a crib anymore but the downside is that she can get out of bed and come into my room.

Hope things get better.

Michelle said...

So sorry to hear that Tom Tom is heading back this quickly, but I'm glad you had a chance to know them. I hope your next nanny job is right around the corner!

my3 kids said...

Amy I am sorry too. I am sure you and Ruby will really miss baby Tom Tom. Did you know they could be leaving so soon when you first got the job? I will pray you get another Nanny job ASAP! Regarding the sleeping issue. We are dealing with this too. Emma seems to be frightened at bedtime. It started a couple months ago when she climbed out of her crib and we moved her into a bed. She used to go to sleep on her own every night but not anymore. Bedtime has become stressful. We did go through a period of it being somewhat better but she has started to really freak again like someone is harming her. Emma has become glued to me too and when I have to put her down she really resists and it breaks my heart. Sorry for writing a book!!!!!

munchkinsmom said...

Oh man, I don't know how you are handling this. I will continue to lift you up in my prayers (also for a quick reference)

Cindy and Co. said...

So sorry to hear about the job. Your in our prayers.