Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Does My Sweater Count...?

After reading the post of a very good friend of mine
about how she's feeling as though she's not doing the 'red thread' justice in her house lately...
(ie: anniversaries & such, CNY etc...)
it got me to thinking, really, that the only 'red thread' visible in this house these days
is the one currently unraveling from my FAVORITE SWEATER!

We celebrate days, but more like every day, just because.
For instance; today is BLACK Wednesday, uh, I mean 'Valentine's Day' right?
At least the calender says it is...
but did I get my daughter a card?
My mother did, however...
brought it up complete with stickers all over a very RED envelope & everything.
Did we make a card?
Not yet but the day is still young...
really, what I did was what I do every day-
hug & kiss her a hundred times,
told her I loved her to the moon & back,
and the sun & back,
and the stars & back
& to CHINA & back.
Then we played together.
A perfect morning on all accounts.
Really, in my heart, every day with Ruby is Valentine's day,
not just a day that Hallmark deems worthy.
So today, for us, it's just a SNOW DAY.
And to that I say:


Cindy and Co. said...

Happy sledding to you too!!!!

Lisa said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you my la la girl and to Ms. Ruby!