Saturday, February 03, 2007

Inch By Inch... year of growth has crept by!

I started recording Ruby's height on a little 'non functional' space on my living room wall.
You'll notice that the first time I did this was Groundhog Day, 2006.
I don't recall why we didn't start this upon our immediate arrival home, but my best guess would be that settling into a whole new life, a whole new routine, a whole new set of 'baby' rules left me worrying about more important things than a mark on my wall.
So, for whatever reason, Groundhog day it was & I wanted to mark the 'one year anniversary' of pissing off my father by drawing on the wall with her most recent recorded height.

MAN has she GROWN!

A little over FIVE INCHES to be exact!

The sad part about this wall is that someday, my kid, with the long legs & the taller than average build, is going to COMPLETELY TRUMP MY SHORT ASS
which only comes up to a sad 5'4''.
That's MY GIRL!
Nearly 36" of GORGEOUS!


Cindy and Co. said...

I love wall charts!!! A friend of mine did her kids on a door frame and when she sold the house 15 years later took it with her.

Special K said...

Hey guys! I'm back! I couldn't see you for the longest time when you switched. My computer has some issues or something... I don't know. But now that I finally switched to Blogger Beta I can get here again! I'm all caught up now and got my Ruby pic fix taken care of.

Yvonne said...

I used to measure all the kids on the inside edge of a closet door. We eventually removed that closet, and rather than keep the whole door, I had the carpenter take a circular saw and cut off the edge of the door. I still have it, and periodically pull it out and measure the 13 year old against the heights of the other 3. It's a piece of history, and I don't think I will ever get rid of it.