Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mirror, Mirror...

...hey that's my NOSE!


Yvonne said...

Way Too Cute!

Anonymous said...

Those are C.U.T.E.@

Christi and Abbey said...

Oh Amy, I just got to catch up on your blog and I am blown away with the letter from Ruby's foster mom, oh my goodness! My favorite part is that they all held her during dinner. I felt so bad that she passed out when they took Ruby away. I was thinking that this connection happend for Ruby's sake but now I am thinking that it was for this woman too. God saw her heart. I am thrilled for all of you. Thank you for sharing.

I wore "the scarf" to school last week for a pretend Snow Day and everyone was asking me about it. My cousin made Abbey a red hat and scarf that arrived in the mail last week, so now we have matching things!