Monday, February 26, 2007

Ahh... Ahh...


Yep, you guessed it, this house is currently dubbed;

since both Ruby & Myself are sick,
her more so than me, sadly.

We'll be fine, we're hanging in there & little mister Tom Tom is here today too.
He's a little under the weather himself & is happily sleeping with a full belly,
a clean diaper & Ruby's 'DOG' that he (kidnapped) snuggles with when he's here.

I am doing my best to try to keep them both happy while keeping myself sane.

Right now though, since I have two sleeping cherubs,
I do declare that it's time for one tired
to take a snooze while she can.

G'night for now...


Phyllis said...

Hope you both are feeling better today!!

Kricket said...

I hope you both get better soon. It's hit us hard here too. My youngest has been sick since 3am Friday morning. She still hasnt' eaten anything - nothing since Thursday! Took her to the doctor and she's on several different meds. One is an anti-naesea med. That has worked wonders. Clear liquids - sprite and water - and no dairy at all. Lots and lots of rest. After 12 hours of following the doc's orders, Tashie was up in her room playing and I was able to sleep in my own bed last night for the first time in days. Wish I could be there and help take care of you both - I'm such a nurse when it comes to sick friends. :) Give Ruby hugs for us (and Bear too). Take care sweetie!

Cindy and Co. said...

Hope you both feel better soon!!! We had the joy of the stomach flu the last two weeks...kept passing it around.

Phyllis said...

Gracious-- are you guys still under the weather?? Sure hope that all is OK-- get better soon!!! I need a Ruby fix!!