Saturday, February 03, 2007

"Happy Now Momma..."

Ruby & I were watching our China video this morning all curled up in my bed together & it's always at the part where it's our 'gotcha' moment & 'Baby Ruby' is crying.
Hard & constant crying I might add.

After being handed my daughter, I made my way up to my hotel room & proceeded to peel off 8million layers of hot thick clothing & attempt to calm her down.
I finally did so with the help of allot of patience, some silly 'nanny' tactics
and one little see through block with a kitty & a ball of yarn inside it.

I rocked that block back & forth making a 'meow meow meow' little song up as I went & at precisely minute # 45, my little miss Ruby smiled at me for the very first time.
An honest to goodness smile.

It's at this point in the video that Ruby always smiles...

...only this time, that smile was followed with these words:

"Happy now Momma, baby Ruby happy now!"

I cried.

Yes sweetie, baby Ruby is happy now
so is her Momma.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is just the sweetest thing. It made me weepy, but then I'm 25 hours away from seeing my baby's face, so weepy comes easy.

Ruby is just too cute.