Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The ABC's of Amy...

* A - available or taken: Available
* B- best friend: Jen
* C- cake or pie: Cake
* D- drink of choice: Water
* E-essential item you use everyday: Glasses
* F-favorite color: Red
* G-gummy bears or worms: Neither, don't eat candy
* H-hometown: Beverly, MA.
* I-indulgence: M&M's
* J-January or February: Both, I love WINTER!
* K-kid's names: Ruby Cate (Nearly 2 & 1/2 years old!)
* L-life incomplete without: My daughter, family & friends.
* M-marriage date: TBA
* N-number of siblings: One younger brother, Adam. He's 31
* O-oranges or apples: Apples
* P-phobias or fears: Heights
* Q-favorite quote: "In the lottery of my life, my daughter is the six numbers- and the bonus..." -Unknown
* R-reason to smile: Every moment spent with Ruby
* S-season: Fall
* T-tag 3 people: Open Tag, you wanna play, go for it, if not, so be it.
* U-unknown fact about me: I can & have talked to dead people... long story.
* V-veggie I don't like: Cabbage
* W-worst habit: I talk too much.
* X-xrays: MRI's every six months courtesy of MS.
* Y-your favorite food: Lobster when it's in season, OMG SO GOOD! (boiled with butter please!)
* Z-zodiac: LEO

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

I just LOVE your favorite quote-- it's so very true!! Give Ruby big hugs!!