Thursday, January 04, 2007


...funny how one word immediately slaps an image into every one's brain
of someone without any clothes on, fair to say?
Well, right now, that's how I feel...

But the irony is that, I'm fully clothed.
That's right, you heard me correctly,
all my 'cash & prizes' are fully covered by various pieces of clothing.
So, why do I feel naked?

When you undergo an MRI, you're not allowed, under any circumstances,
to wear jewelry of any kind.
They say to remove EVERYTHING;
(i.e.: watches, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, etc...)

Oh, but they say that you can wear your 'ring/s' should you wish.

Ah, I'm sorry, you're telling me to remove everything of a metal substance off my person but are allowing me that one liberty? Thanks, but I'll pass, I kinda like my finger where it's at.
I've read the reports that say the magnetic force of an MRI is so powerful that it can rip a mans watch clear off his arm practically taking the arm with it... so you can keep your liberties & I'll show up 'sans jewelry' for an hour & deal.

So, even though I'm sitting here fresh from a shower, smelling wonderful thanks to my 'light blue' and wet hair up in a clip, I'm still feeling absolutely naked & won't feel dressed until I get home from this blasted thing & put my adornments back on my person.

I don't wear much, I was never a big jewelry person, but the pieces I DO wear, I treasure... not because they were from someone special, but more because they were from ME.
When you're single & not dating anyone, you rely on yourself for a plethora of things,
buying jewelry is among them.
I own only the following:
1 necklace with 1 charm on it
1 pair of earrings that match the charm (charm really matches the earrings cuz it's a lost soul to the original pair of earrings I had owned & upon realizing that I had lost it's twin, I turned the sole survivor into a pendant & voila, a charm that looks like it belongs to a 'set'... very clever if I do say so myself!)
1 rololink charm bracelet with 5 charms on it:
a heart bearing my initials/birth date
a heart bearing Ruby's initials/birth date
my birthstone
Ruby's birthstone
one cross
(in memory of Ebenezer)

and last but not least, my ring.
It's a heart shaped white gold signet ring with my initials inscribed on it.
It's my 'self love' ring... I bought it years ago for myself to remind me every day that even when I feel lost in this huge world, that there was someone who always loved me, and that someone was me. It's a daily reminder that I'm stronger than I think I am and that I can handle anything life tosses my way... even a stupid MRI.

So, here I sit, feeling completely naked & wanting this night to be over so I can feel like myself again...

...and don't for one second assume that if I feel naked like this, that if I were to be sitting here typing with ONLY my jewelry on, that I'd feel dressed, because 'EHH' thanks for playing, NOT SO MUCH! lol
This chubby chick needs her situation covered. LOL

Anyhoo, so that's what I was thinking about just now in the shower
& felt I should share it before jetting outta here for the hospital.

Have a wonderful night & to those of you who just received referrals,

You've all waited long enough & deserve this happiness finally, REVEL IN IT!
It's your day...!


-Amy & Ruby Cate


Samantha said...

I am hoping you have good results and no new activity on your MRI. I also feel very naked without my jewlery. I have alot but tend to only wear a few pieces over and over. When I was single I loved listening to the Independant Women song. You know the car I am driving I bought it etc.... Just made me feel good! There is definitely a serious pride that comes over you handeling things on your own!

Lisa and Tate said...

Good luck with the MRI!!! You have to stay overnight for it or do you have it scheduled at 8pm at night???


Anonymous said...

I always feel naked without my claddagh on... I've worn it since I was 13 and when it's not there it freaks me out!

Good luck on your MRI, I'll be thinking about you!