Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kick Me While I'm Down...

...still no nanny job in sight, didn't get the job I was going for recently & just found out this morning that the tax refund (adoption tax credit) that I was COUNTING ON to kinda get me through this bump in the road of my life, IS NOT COMING!

Turns out, if you haven't worked up until this tax term to put back into your taxes, you don't get to take out what is rightfully yours to begin with.

This year?
I'm getting a whopping $40. dollars back.


If anyone needs me I'll be stewing in a puddle of my own juices right over here in the corner.
I need to meltdown before I have a nervous breakdown...

...pray for something, ANYTHING or else I just don't know what's going to happen.


Abby's Mom said...

Amy that really stinks. I'm so sorry!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Amy.

Michelle said...

That is a massive drag. I am praying you catch a break soon.

Elyssium Earth said...

Not quite sure what to say. Got heaps of cliches - Hang in there, everything happens for a reason, what you need will come, it is darkest before dawn and all that. Thing is, they are only cliches coz people use them all the time and people only use them all the time because they are TRUE. Thinking of ya xx

Kricket said...

I'm guessing you don't qualify for unemployment since you had your own business? I mean, technically, you were "fired" by A.B.

I'm still praying for you, hun.

Yvonne said...

Something will happen - I just know it! You need to channel your cooking talent into something. Hey, I would pay you to make me one of your gourmet dinners one night - maybe you can start small - a friend or family - and word of mouth.....

RamblingMother said...

Sorry to hear of your woes. I am in a similar boat as you. Sucks doesn't it?

Beverly & Glenys