Wednesday, September 21, 2005

3rd time's the CHARM... LET'S HOPE!!!

Ruby In Her Own Time...

Ok, so laugh if you must but SERIOUSLY AGAIN I COME HOME TO A DEAD FROG! First time with Tad, was pretty devastating, I had her for nearly 10 years, so she was very special to me... this time, I get back from NH to find my newest little albino friend Peanut STONE COLD STIFF at the bottom of the tank, DON'T ASK CUZ I DON'T KNOW WHY, I wish I did.

So, I have a little 'moment' with Peanut before I say a few words, give her the 1 flush salute & send her to that big frog tank in the sea! UGH Such a bummer, anyway, so I call the pet store where I got her from, it's in Salem, and the guy is so very nice & sweet ( not to mention totally cute too) and he says that of course he remembers me & to come right down for another frog for free and he's so sorry about Peanut. He also remembered that I was adopting from China & asked if I had received her photo yet, HOW GOOD IS THAT! So when I went down there, he and I chatted for a few & I showed him Ruby's pic and he said she was gorgeous & contratulations over and over and over. How lucky I was to be becoming a mother to such a beautiful little girl & what a wonderful thing I was doing, etc etc etc... the usual things that kind people say to me when they hear that I'm adopting. Anyway, so we shoot the shit for a few & he takes me out back to pick out a frog, and I tell him to just pick one out himself because they were all gree this time ( no more albino's, so it didn't really matter) and so there's now a small green FAST frog in my tank once again. I need there to be 'life' in that tank on the kitchen counter, don't ask but I just like knowing that Ebby & I aren't the only ones up here ya know? So, back to the pet store, before I left he made me promise that I'd come down with Ruby once we're both home from China and to have a wonderful trip etc... He's a doll! Younger, but a doll nonetheless, I think he's 28 or 29... anyhoo, so dead frog made me sad, but new frog allowed me to flirt, not a bad gig. ;)

I'm gonna go catch up on my TIVO for a bit, catch everyone later!


ps. New Frog's name is: Tre' the Charmer ( Tre' for 3rd and Charmer cuz THIS TIME HAD BETTER BE THE CHARM!)

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