Thursday, September 22, 2005

Random thoughts...

Ruby In Her Own Time...

Is Kindness more important than Honesty?

Truly, some would say it is, to spare the feelings of someone you care about is more important than speaking your mind & the truth... God FORBID you hurt someone's feelings, sure it's clearly better to just be fake & lie to make that person feel good right? WRONG!

So, to those who would say that kindness is key over Truth telling, I say the following:
I BEG TO DIFFER! Personally I want to put all the damn cards on the table & let's just call a spade a spade shall we? All this 'being kind to save face' bullshit is FOR THE BIRDS! You know, nobody ever said that life was easy, and you don't ever get dealt a royal straight flush on the first hand BUT YOU KEEP TRYING right? I mean isn't that what the point of playing the game is all about? The chance that someday you might just get lucky & get one hell of a hand?

Look, if you like someone, say so, NONE OF US is ever guaranteed a tomorrow. Christ, just BE YOURSELF and SPEAK YOUR MIND! SO FEW people do that these days and if I hear one more crap line from someone who is just trying to be 'kind' or spare my 'feelings' I'm going to CRACK!

I am NOT a fragile bird, or an antique piece of porcelian... I am tough as nails & can handle the truth from ANYONE. Sure I may not always like it but make no mistake, I'd rather hear the real deal than try to discipher sputtered out sentence fragments of some half truths that were easier to not only to say, but perhaps also to swallow. BULLSHIT!

So, is Kindness more important than Honesty?

You tell me?


Shannon said...

I'm with you sister, I would much rather hear the blunt truth than some crap about "it's not you it's me" or "i still want to be friends" You can be honest without being cruel. It's totally doable.
people suck. you have my sympathy!

Anonymous said...

you tell em amy ;-P

this is one of the many reasons i love you!

dont know what happened, but hang in there!

much love