Saturday, September 24, 2005

Blurred Vision & the Love of a Lion...

Ruby In Her Own Time...

So, technically I guess it's caused by my MS but sometimes I have these moments when my vision is completely blurred to the point where even having my glasses on doesn't seem to help much. ( Excellent news for local drivers in Beverly right? LOL ) It occured to me tonight that what we can't see with our eyes, we can always see with our hearts... now granted my heart wasn't given a licence to drive, my eyes had far more to do with that than my heart did but if we need a licence to drive a car & one to get married & one to operate heavy machinery... why is it that nobody needs a licence to care for someone else's heart? It's such a monumental responsibility & so many people just carelessly take it for granted... it's sad. Why is it that it's easier to get hurt by someone than it is to be loved by them? Life is funny that way... someday someone is going to prove me wrong & give me everything that I've ever wanted or needed in a lover/boyfriend/friend etc but until then it's me, myself & I against the world & tonight I'm just tired of being a one woman team. I have to say though that I am so blessed to have the friends in my life that I have... one tonight in particular who just made me feel like the only woman on earth & not only the only woman, but the most beautiful one, and that, without a doubt, is just amazing & I love him so much for what he just did for me. You know, for his age one would assume that he's just a kid & has alot of living to do, but to be honest, he's more mature & more wise than most of the men I know in their 30's. He's an old soul who is wise beyond his years & how blessed I am to have him in my life. He's strong & wise, just like a lion... and he's my lion, and oh how I'm the lucky one to have the love of a lion. *HUGS* I love you my sweet strong lion, never change.


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