Tuesday, March 14, 2006

18 months & counting...

Miss Ruby had her 18 month checkup today... she did great!

Here are her stats:

Height: 32.25 in.
Weight: 23 lbs.

She's in the 50th percentile for both height & weight and our doctor says she's doing excellent.
She was beyond impressed with how Ruby understands not only English but Italian as well.
I asked her (in both languages) to show the doctor where her nose was & where her leg was etc... and asked in random order & mixed up the languages to try to catch her off guard... but not so much with my little snickerdoodle!
Regardless of what language I spoke to her in, the kid was ON THE MONEY with her responses every time! She also knows a few signs & was able to tell the doctor that yes, she'd like 'more tea' LOL hahaha too cute.

She did get a shot today poor thing, I was not one of her favorite people after having to hold her snug long enough for the nurse to get at her arm. Let's just say that if looks could kill, I'd have to have my friend Karen post this one for me as I'd be six feet under from the STARE my child gave me after the nurse left. LOL Thankfully it never lasts that long because once we get in the car & head to the store to get a few things for dinner, I picked up some 'pirates booty' and MAN DID SHE LOVE THAT STUFF! Smiles all around & some well deserved booty for a successful doctor's visit. Next visit June 13th... we'll see what the next few months hold for my little girl & what new milestones she'll conquer next! *grin*


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a smart little cookie over there. :)

Unknown said...

She's so cute, it brightens my work day to check in on her antics. :)

BTW, she's the same size as my Lily - what size is she wearing?
