Wednesday, March 22, 2006

BIG LOYALTY, small package.

How can I NOT feel complete inner peace when I look at my beautiful daughter all snug in her bed with Bear, sleeping soundly.
She is the poster child for a 'peaceful night's sleep'...

Bear, on the other hand, sleeps with his eyes open 24/7, because he's keeping a constant watch over his best friend Ruby, making sure that her rest is uninterrupted.
(trust me, I'm pretty sure he was staring me down as I volleyed for position prior to snapping these photos!)

Bear is, well, he's a lot of things:

Cute? Yes.
Fuzzy? Yes.
Soft? Yes.
Fierce when it comes to protecting his Ruby? ABSOLUTELY!

It's nice to know that she's in such good paws.
G'night Bear, keep my Ruby safe.

NOW I can sleep.
Sweet dreams everyone.


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