Monday, March 06, 2006

Momma & Me...

Thanks to my good friend Katherine (& Arianna), I have a picture of me with Ruby from the recent party at Casa De Sparky!
I was so busy being 'mom' to little miss Cheeks & taking pics of everyone else that I didn't get one of myself with my beautiful baby girl, so THANK YOU SO MUCH KATHERINE for snapping this! =)

I love you girl! (Even if you are a Yankee's fan) LOL

(That's right Ruby... you tell her! )
hee hee



Pug Mama said...

I was soooo enjoying your photos until I saw "THE HAT" Why would you do that to that precious baby girl?!***hee-hee
-Lots of love from a YANKEE fan!!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Ruby - she just doesn't know the torment that is ahead of her. She missed the victory in 2004 and will now suffer, like generations of Red Sucks fans before her, until the next victory - only 84 more years to go!!

But we love her(and her momma) anyway!!!!
Katherine & Arianna