Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ruby's Word Cloud...

So, taking a page from our dear friend's Karen & Gwen,
Ruby is pleased to share with everyone, her her very own Word Cloud...


Redheaded Chick said...

Nice to see you back! I am sorry...I didn't know you were battling a disease. Ruby is looking wonderful, as always!!!

Amy said...

Thanks Tammy... but truly, to have MS isn't necessarily battling a disease as it is more Living with one. Since there's no cure I do my best to live with it and keep the frame of mind that I may have MS but it doesn't have me... & so far, so good. =)

Redheaded Chick said...

Good point...we've had some MS in our family and it's amazing how good the good days can be and how bad the bad days can be. You have a great attitude towards it, and a lot of spirit. And I am glad you are back online, and also an Idol fan...