Friday, March 10, 2006

Bald is Beautiful...


Amy said...

Bear was napping I believe LOL Ruby gave me 'the cute pathetic I have to have it' face that she does so well & I caved & gave her one of my CPK'S from my doll case. She LOVES THEM SO MUCH!


Anonymous said...

Oh my, a naked CPK. Well, I hate to admit it, but I had a thing for CPKs when I was young too. Poor things were always naked too.

The pic of her kissing the baby is just too sweet. How you keep yourself from slapping some applebutter on those cheeks and just gobbling her up?? I don't know if I could stand it. lol

Carrie said...

The cabbage patch doll when I was younger is bald. His name is Boyd Mallory and he is locked in my hope chest upstairs in Annika's future room's closet. Gotta love a bald baby.


Amy said...

LOL No, Henry's a #3 and this little fella is a #2 headmold. I have several bald ones, two each of the #2's and two each of 'Henry' and his cousin 'Enrie'' LOL is that how ya spell it? LOL