Thursday, March 09, 2006

Jeans @ Starbucks?

Ahhh... is there anything better than a BRAND NEW PAIR OF JEANS???

I THINK NOT! (unless it's CHOCOLATE!)hehehe

Me:"Yes, I'd like a pair of jeans please?"
Them: "I'm sorry? and what kind of Jeans would you be interested in today?"
Me: "Uh... blue, jeans?"
Them: "*annoying pissy "I hate that I have to be nice to you cuz you're the customer" smile* Ah... Maam, what KIND of blue jeans? We have tall nonfat flare, or cropped frappe'pedal pushers' we have grande bootcut with whipped cream, then there's button'espresso fly in natural regular...etc"
Me: "*headache starting to brew hardcore* Uh... Ok, just a 'REGULAR' pair of BLUE JEANS in my SIZE will do... zipper waist if that's not too much to ask... Oh, and hold the whipped cream, I'll get that later at Pretzel Time..."
Them: *evil look in their eyes* Maam, Really, they all have zippers...
Me: "It's Amy actually, NOT Maam, and I'm sorry, what did you say your name was? Satan?? Look, I'm old enough to have CHANGED YOUR DIAPERS *underbreath* you little snot..., And ACTUALLY you JUST DID SAY that you had BUTTON'ESPRESSO FLY in NATURAL REGULAR, and since I want ZIPPER then CLEARLY I should SPECIFY CORRECT?
Them: "Well MAAM, *evil shit eatin'grin through gritted teeth* Yes I MAY have mentioned that...
Me: "Look, I'll just find my own pair ok? Thanks for your help *not*..."
Them: *yelling down the back of the store to a fellow 'snotnose employee'* "OMG I'M GOING ON BREAK, ANYONE WANT ANYTHING AT STARBUCKS???"

And so you can see why EVEN THOUGH IT PAINS ME TO SEE JEANS ASSUMING THEIR PLACE IN THE 'ANNOYANCE WHEEL OF SHIT' they are a necessity and so, I ignore all who work in the store & HELP MYSELF to a fantastic pair of jeans that were EASY TO FIND once I didn't have ms.snotnose trying to crawl up my ass & set up camp for a SALE! (hate those people!)

In all fairness, I have to say that for years now I've shopped at Lane Bryant (that's clothing for us 'big & beautiful' gals) and I really do LOVE THEIR JEANS! They last forever & get more comfortable with every wash! So what if trying to locate the pair I want makes my eyes cross & my head spin? I just need to know my size (24 petite) and the style I like (REGULAR BLUE W/ZIPPER *ugh*) and I'm all set.

And yes, even for us bigger girls there is such a thing as 'petite' although I have to admit I laugh OUT LOUD in the store every time I see ANYTHING with 'petite' on it, cuz... let's face it ladies, Lane Bryant isn't a SKINNY CHICK STORE! It's for the sexy, selfconfidant REAL WOMAN WITH CURVES! (aka:fatty mc'fat) but you know what, after losing over 80lbs, I could care less what it's called, cuz I was wearing a size that was SO BIG that Lane Bryant DIDN'T EVEN CARRY IT!... that's right, there was a time when all I could fit into was sweat pants & yoga stuff... fun fun fun... NOT!

So to now be able to go in & pick out a size that ISN'T their biggest size & try it on & have it fit me so nice & comfy and smile knowing that, no only does it fit but it LOOKS DAMN GOOD ON ME, well.. that's pretty fanfriggentastic* in my book! (*and yes, that's a word... I think I'm going to start my own Amyla' Dictionary... and my friend Jen can back me up on this & probably contribute many words herself as we each have our own special language. LOL )

Anyhoo... so Ruby had a blast at the mall, after I bought my new jeans, we went down to the lower level to the 'kids play area' and Ruby had herself a BLAST!!! Running around & laughing & being so silly that every parent in there was smiling & telling both myself and my mother how 'beautiful & funny & adorable' she was... I smile outside, & inside my heart is borderline bursting... A. because they're right, and B. because I feel like THE luckiest Momma in the world!

How was everyone else's day today? C'MON LURKERS... SPILL THE DETAILS, I'd love to know, AND ANYONE WITH A NEW 'AMYLA WORD' for my dictionary, feel free to share! =)


Anonymous said...

"(aka:fatty mc'fat)"
-- ::hand raised:: That's me!!! LOL

I've shopped at Lane Bryants for a LONG time and I adore their jeans. However, the waists are so freakin' low! I mean come on! I'm a little round here! I seriously doubt people wanna see my jelly roll hangin' outta my pants, ya know? Anyways, if you get a chance (and I know this is so totally cheap) but I've start buying my jeans at Wal*mart. Their stretchy Faded Glorys are so comfortable, with relaxed/boot cut legs, and for a whopping $15.00. I usually buy a size larger and a regular size just so I can have my "fat jeans" really comfortable. I totally swear by the jeans and you can buy two or three for the same price as one pair at Lane's.

Oh! A word for you! I like the word "craptacular". Used when you're just pissed off. Like...
"OH shit! My tire just blew! Well isn't that just craptacular!" How's that? :o)

Anonymous said...

You asked about my day - it was great - prolly cause I wasn't shopping for jeans. What is with this new drop waist cut? Great for letting the tummy just roll right over!!! My word for your book is "shrinkled". My daughter used to say it was time to get out of the tub cause her toes were shrinkled. I always thought it should be incorporated in the dict. Hug miss Ruby Cate. Waiting4Abby's meema.

Shannon said...

Finding a new pair of jeans is an all day process that involves a breakdown on my part, and some sort of brownie as a reward at the end for surviving. It makes me cry every single time i try on jeans. I have one of those bodies where my bum is a size bigger than my waist. It SUCKS. I have that gap problem in the back. Lane Bryant jeans were the best. I've dropped some weight so i don't wear them anymore, but I remember they were built for girls with booties. Now i'm stuck in the land of skinny white chicks with no bums, and it is a nightmare. I've found that Kohl's has some good jeans, they are the axcess brand. Stretchy but not clingy. That's the best i have right now!!

Pug Mama said...

I just would like to know why I can't find jeans to cover my stomach. They are ALL hip-huggers!! I am a mother of 3 (soon to be four!!!!) and the hip-hugger days are soooo over.

Sandra said...

Gosh girl - congrats on the new look, that is quite an accomplishment on weight loss!!!

I really want some new jeans but am afraid to step up to the Starbucks counter to ask for them! You're brave as jean shopping is almost getting as bad as shopping for a swimsuit!!