Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I have GOT TO...

... get myself OUT of this FUNK I'm in!!!

This morning as I sat at the computer to check my email for any job replies,
(there were none...)
I looked up & noticed the date... March 21st... March 21st?
How can that be?
I missed the 20th?!?!?
But wait, I couldn't have missed the 20th!
That's the anniversary of the day Ruby and I first held each other,
kissed each other,
became mother & daughter,
cried together,
dried each other's tears,
forever became a perfect size family of TWO!

Wow, I'm a horrible mother to have forgotten such an important day...

...yesterday was four months, FOUR MONTHS!

Sometimes it's hard to believe that it's been that long & then other times it seems like that's not NEARLY long enough because clearly Ruby & I have been together FOREVER!

Over the past days when I took a much needed break from blogging, I spent alot of time just being Ruby's Mom.... and what I realized is that, no matter where anyone is in their life, if you're a Mom, hell, if you're a PARENT, you're going to worry.

Even when things are all going great & money isn't an issue,
you'll still worry.
Successful businessmen worry...
hardworking single mothers worry...
unemployed people worry...
friends of those parents worry...
family members of those parents worry...

...and friends that you've never met but who follow your blog religiously worry.

I want to thank everyone who took the time to leave me a heartfelt comment and also those who took the time to email me privately with some of the most amazing letters I think I've ever had the pleasure of reading, most of which brought tears to my eyes.
I will never delete those letters & cherrish their words forever.
It's nice to know that even in strangers, friendship can be found.

I had a woman & her daughter who had stumbled upon my blog & read it daily come down from CANADA! We visited & I took her & her adorable daughter into Salem & we went & saw the Yin Yu Tang: A Chinese House and it was nice to be a 'tourist' in my own neighborhood.
Truth be told I had never seen the inside of that museum, once. (truly a shame)
But it was a nice distraction from sitting at home & just worrying about where the money is going to come from, ya know?

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'll be ok.
I don't know how.
I don't know when.
I don't know why.
I just know I will.

Thank you to everyone who waited patiently for my return to blogging, I think that most of you were right, that leaving blogging is kinda silly since it's pretty theraputic to be able to put my thoughts down to 'blog' and mull them over.

I have a wonderful following of friends out here in Blogland, and I love & thank you all for your patience, understanding and kind words.

I had friends who I know & love dearly send a surprise package to this house in Ruby's name
to cheer us up, and it helped, it really did.
(Thank you Thia! Ruby loves you SO MUCH!)

And cuz I KNOW you're all dying for at least a pic or two... here are some from my day in Salem with Shauna & macLean...

Momma & Ruby at the Salem Beer Works for lunch...

Ruby enjoying her hotdog & fries for lunch...
(do you KNOW how MESSY it is to take the skin OFF a hotdog ??)
YUCK! hehehe

macLean & her Mom Shauna enjoying their afternoon in Salem...

Entrance to: Yin Yu Tang / The China House...

Little Miss Ruby Cate fitting RIGHT IN with the museum's DECOR... hehehe
(and for those of you who either have forgotten or didn't know this, the lions are at the entrance to most places 'CHINA' and the MALE is the one on the left, he is ALWAYS on the left but it's not how you'll remember it's the male, clearly it's cuz he's the one playing with his 'BALL'! LOL how fitting... sorry Johnny!
And the female, always on the right, is the one with the baby under her paw...
The females always caring for the little ones,
the male always playing with his ball.


Anyway... so, in a nutshell:


I've missed you all just as much if not more than you've missed me blogging,
I can promise you that... SO,

Let the blogging' BEGIN!


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!

You are sorely missed....as a single working Mommy of a 2.5 year old...it is tough making ends meet. But don't ever give up...have you considered working in a daycare or even subbing?

quinns' mom

Anonymous said...

Im glad to see your blog today. I look foward to your blogs. They always make me laugh.

Carol N

Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!!! You were missed so much!! You'll never know how good it was to see Miss Ruby today!! I have a horrible cold, and it instantly made me forget how yucky I feel to see that sweet face!!!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!!!! I'm so happy you're back! I've missed you guys!

Just Us Girls said...

Welcome back girlfriend!! You are so good with your words and I have missed your blogging.

Hang in there and you are always in my thoughts.

Sending HUGS to you and Ruby!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!

I have enjoyed your blog and I really enjoy your pictures. Ruby is a doll. Thanks for allowing us to be a part of yours and Ruby's life.

Anonymous said...

YEA! I am so happy that you and Ruby are back! It is MUCH too sad in the "world of the waiting" to not see that sweet face and read your sweet words! Glad you're back....I missed you. One thing I have learned through this journey is that you really CAN miss people you don't even know!

Tammy said...

Welcome back! I've checked in a few times to see if you've posted & how you're doing. Glad you've chosen to continue blogging - it's like therapy, minus the copay.

Hope everything works out for you soon. Sending good thoughts your way (((HUGS))).

Happy 4 month anniversary!


Johnny said...

It's good to see you back.

"the road up and down is one in the same"

Anonymous said...

Wahoo!!! Welcome back Amy and Ruby!I have missed you all. It is good to see Ruby's sweet face again. Amy, I know you will be okay, too. The universe always provides...

Hugs to you both!

Kris said...

Welcome Back!!

Always remember that when the Lord closes a door, somewhere else He opens a window. I truly believe this because I've live it many times. Good to see you back.

Love Ya