Thursday, March 16, 2006


Ruby & I will be M.I.A. (missing in action)
for a little while... as I'm not really in a 'blogging' kinda place to be honest.
Stress & MS don't mix all that well and every time I log in the first thing I see is my daughter's precious face & then I'm reminded that soon I am going to be seriously struggling to provide the basic necessities for her.
My little girl hasn't a clue what I'm facing, nor should she.
Kids should be carefree & silly & happy without a worry in the world.
... it's what us Mom's are for,
to do the worrying all the while trying to put on a happy face.

I just hope that in the process I don't have a mental break down or another MS attack from the stress... Sorry to those of you who read me on a daily basis but this 'funny girl/mom' is scared to death & just needs some time to pray, regroup, hope for a miracle... pick one.

One last glimpse of my reason for living...

...until we return, everyone please take care.

-Amy & Ruby Cate


MB said...

Taylor and I want to give you a big hug........We will be praying for you and that everything will work out for you soon.

Anonymous said...

You and that precious little Ruby will stay in my prayers. Feel better and take care.

Abby's Mom said...

Won't be the same without you guys! Your in my prayers, Come back SOON!

Christi and Abbey said...

We will miss you both! Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. You've brought us all so much joy and I am hoping that we can hear great things working out for you in the near future.

Shannon said...

Hang in there Amy. I hope things get better for you soon. I will keep you and miss Ruby in my prayers. :-)

Anonymous said...

Amy, I'll miss you while you're taking a 'breather', but understand. Just know that you have tons of support from complete strangers. Give Miss Ruby a big hug-- things will work out, and until they do, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers!!

Tammy said...

Sending you (((((HUGS))))). I hope everything works out for you soon. Take care of yourself, Ruby needs her mommy to be well.


Unknown said...

Great big hugs your way. I hope things turn around for you, you deserve it. :)

Lisa and Tate said...

We will miss you guys... take a break, regroup, and get blogging again soon.


Sparky said...

Hang in there my friend. Get some rest, try and de-stress if you can. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Pink Evita said...

Take a break and I hope to read you soon. But no stress or pressure. Thinking good thoughts for you and Miss Ruby.

Carrie said...

I will miss you while you are away. I hope that things look up for you soon. I will check in occassionally just to get a Ruby fix ;-)

Sandra said...

Oh, the photos of your sweet daughter will be missed! Sending you cyber hugs and prayers as you take this time for you and your daughter!

Shannon said...

Thinking of you both and sending prayers your way.