Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Crib Bumpers??

Sure they're cute & snazz up the crib, but MAKE NO MISTAKE,
they're A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS to put on and off when you have to wash them!!!
So, why am I bitching? I'm not, I'm here to sing their praises, because regardless of how much I HATE having to take them down to wash them & then put them ALL BACK ON with those TEENIE TINY LITTLE (never long enough) ties & TIE EACH SET ON INDIVIDUALLY, I do it every time.


... because without them, I wouldn't be able to snap shots like this one.

My girl looks SO COMFORTABLE & completely lost in her dreams next to her best pal Bear.

I mean, look at that rested little face... not a care in the world & toasty as can be... all because she's got her own personal little 'crib ottoman' if you will.

Put your feet up Baby, sleep any way you want to, just be cozy & happy...
...Momma will continue to fuss with that obnoxious thing each & every time... why?

...because I love you.


Anonymous said...

I know you have heard it a million times....but I have been following your blog for quite some time.... and your precious Ruby might just have the SWEETEST face on the planet! Thanks for sharing with a waiting girl that you don't even know! You make me smile every single day!

Anonymous said...

Just beautiful!!! She is adorable!!!

Kris said...

Ah, the crib bumpers!! I used to hate those things for the same reason...having to take them down and wash and tie back (with the short ties) Also, my girls would try and use them as a stepping stone to climb out of the crib. I couldn't wait to get them off of there!! Sleep tight Ruby..Auntie Kris loves you!!!

Johnny said...

All of Ruby's pictures seem to indicate she's a SOLID sleeper. Lucky you!