Tuesday, March 28, 2006

For everyone still waiting...

I happened upon this video while searching YouTube... now, I don't have a clue who the family is but honestly, it doesn't much matter when what you're seeing is the unfolding of a long journey of patience, love, excitement & a dream come true... the moment any child is placed into loving arms, is a beautiful one... and really, this family could be your family, my family... anyone who has ever gone the long haul that is international adoption, this is everyone's family.
It shows us that yes, there is a light at the end of this tunnel...

I remember how much I LIVED for video's like this when I was waiting... each one made me cry but each one made me realize that no matter how much the wait sucked, that it was bound to eventually be MY TURN... as it's also bound to be YOUR TURN one day!

So this is for all of you still waiting, I know it sucks but I PROMISE YOU that your day is coming...

I know this with 100% certainty!

Sending much love & hugs your way all you 'waiters'...


-Amy & Ruby
(& Bear too!)

and wait for the whole thing to load before trying to view.
Makes it alot easier.



Our Journey to Jenna Maria said...

...read your blog daily and love seeing/reading 'the life of Ruby & Bear'. As one of the May 31st lidders, my heart was broken when we heard the news but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...right??? Well that's what I'm telling myself. All of us waiters should be freak'n SuperWoman by now!

Alberta, Canada

Anonymous said...

Those were great, Amy. Thanks for sharing them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart...from a "waiter" in NC! You made my day! LID 8-11 for Madison Mei

Those who serve the little dictatrice. said...

Hey!!!! That's OUR family! We were very surpirsed and flattered to see our video posted on your site. YES, dreams do come true!

Amy said...

Hey Lisa & Oliver! SO KEWL that it was YOUR VIDEO that I shared! Everyone LOVED IT but had YOU not shared it on 'youtube' in the first place, none of us could've enjoyed it! I stand by what I said, beautiful moments don't have to always happen within our own families, but can happen anywhere with any family & that particular day, your family video tugged at my heart & was a source of joy for all of those still waiting. Thank YOU both so much for sharing YOUR moments with the world. We loved it! And feel free to visit us OFTEN! =)


-Amy & Ruby Cate