Friday, March 03, 2006

Same great taste, DELICIOUS NEW LOOK!

Ok, so it's not terribly different but I did pick 'rainbow sherbert' colors in honor of SPRING BEING RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!

When I first started this blog, I picked all pinks because I figured little girls love pink, so let's go with pink... right?

Puuuhleeezze! Let's get real, how POMPOUS of me to assume that all little girls love pink. Honestly, my little girl likes pink but she also likes blue and yellow and orange and hell, she'd wear puke green if I put it on her!

Personally my favorite colors are RED & PINK together, but I know that tends to rub a lot of people the WRONG WAY hehehe so, I'll spare you that.

Now, all that said, hopefully you'll find the new look refreshing & pleasing to the eye... and don't blame me if you end up gaining a few extra lbs cus you ran right out & bought a tub of rainbow sherbert! HEHEHE

Now, as far as the headers concerned... will I ever change it? Probably not as it's an actual cover of a book I hold near & dear to my heart. One that was given to me way way before I ever filled out the first piece of paper that became my 'paperchase'. It's really become Ruby's Mantra through all this... She came to me in her OWN TIME (not when I was bitch'in and moan'in about where the hell referrals were...) she was placed in my arms IN HER OWN TIME which happened to end up being OVER TWO MONTHS after referral, two months that all I did was stare at her chubby little face & fall madly in love with her every minute, of every hour, of every day until the moment we were face to face, both of us crying...
Ruby- tears of fear & uncertainty.
Momma- tears of joy and relief.
We finally found each other, my little girl & me...
In that instant, we became a 'Forever Family'.

She's become so much a part of who I am and how my life unfolds day to day that, although I KNOW that there was a time before Ruby, I honestly can't remember it... It's all a blur now so to those of you in the midst of every conceivable stage that comes before where I'm at now... trust me, once you lay eyes on the little soul who is to be your child, you'll never remember any of this as anything more than a 'blur' I PROMISE YOU.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yes Sherrie, Ruby and I will be there & so will a CRAP TON of other bloggers. LOL I have my digital camera all charged up & ready to go, as well as my camcorder complete with a 7hr battery and a BRAND NEW TAPE! *grin*
It's gonna be so great because not only is it the first time I'll be meeting my dear friend Karen and her precious Gwen in person BUT it's also the first time I'll be able to give Katherine and Arianna EACH A BIG BIG HUG TOO! So many wonderful people are going to be there it's gonna be a BLAST! I just hope little miss 'Cheeks' doesn't have a meltdown... cuz Momma's in the mood to PARTY! *grin*

And thanks for letting me know you dig the new colors, I LOVE THEM! =)
Now, if only I had more than 'fudgecicles' in my freakin' freezer! *sigh*