Friday, August 18, 2006

Ruby Red...

... so I'm sure you've noticed the new look of the blog. My 'spring colors' theme, although cute, was getting slightly old, as it is the tail end of summer & my FAVORITE SEASON is nearly upon us... FALL!
So, I figured what better way to welcome my favorite time of year than with a glorious color change!
(Ruby Red of course...)

You may also have noticed that I downsized my links as well, if you find that yours has dissappeared from this list please do not TAKE OFFENSE to this as I still read those blogs EVERY DAY (they're permanently in my favorites on my browser...) and was just trying to streamline the look of my blog.
If I only post once in a day, it just looked silly to me to have this little 'post' at the top & then several miles of nothing but links as far as the eye can see.

The ones I kept were ones that I may read several times a day, because I'm silly like that.
Not necessarily a stalker, but more a passionate voyer with a need for a fix. ;)

I assure you that everyone who was on my blog before, just because you don't see your link there anymore, doesn't mean that I don't check in daily with your blogs.
*here's the thing, once addicted to blogs, ALWAYS addicted to blogs!*

Now, that said, I hope you all enjoy the new look.
Oh, and I also got rid of the Ebenezer virtual puppy & some of my own links that I had up, like 'Flat Ruby Cate' & 'Flat Bear' etc... so see, even my stuff dissappeared. I just kinda like the look of 'less is more' to be honest.

If only I had photoshop so I can color ONLY the bow in Ruby's hair in the header pic, I'd love for the whole thing to be B&W and have that PUNCH of RED stand out through the bow in her hair. Perhaps my good friend Karen *cough, cough, hint, hint* might be able to lend a hand with that sometime soon. *grin*

Ok, nuff babbling for now, I'm headed to bed... g'night all, sweet dreams!



Lisa and Tate said...

Love the Ruby Red!!! I am sooooo looking forward to fall!!! Last year I was saying next Halloween I will have my Tate. Sadly... this will not happen....So very sad.


Amy said...

Same thing happened to me hon... I kept saying, " Next Thanksgiving, I'll be home with Ruby & we'll be sitting around this table with all of you...(to family)..." Not so much... I not only wasn't home by then but I MISSED Thanksgiving alltogether because I was IN CHINA eating NOODLES for Thanksgiving dinner.... BLECK!
This thankgiving will be our FIRST TOGETHER HOME AS MOTHER & DAUGHTER! So believe me when I say I feel your frusteration. *hugs* from us both, hopefully cyber hugs help. WE LOVE YOU!

-Amy & Ruby Cate

Special K said...

So you didn't go to bed last night after we hung up! But I love the Red.

PS... and yes I was cussing your ass this morning at 6am when the alarm went off :P

Christi and Abbey said...

The red is great!

Anonymous said...

I really like the new color on your blog. The white really pop when I am reading your blog. Thank you for your great work and have a good weekend.
